Manage Better with Anshuman Tiwari
I am Anshuman Tiwari and this is my podcast – Manage Better. Here,
I share tools, tips, and techniques to manage better and have an unfair advantage at work. I will also invite colleagues from across the world to share their story and tips on how to Manage Better.
I am a LinkedIn Top Voice and a Fellow of the American Society for Quality and have over 25 years of experience in process improvement and transformation across industries. I am a mid-career coach for the last 5 years.
Find me on LinkedIn and YouTube if you like those platforms!
80 episodes
Leadership Lessons from a CEO Coach | Ft. Surabhi Shenoy
In this episode, serial entrepreneur and CEO Coach, Surabhi Shenoy shares lessons she has learnt as a found and coach. A not to be missed episode if you run a Startup.

How to Become a CXO - Coach Radhika Balakrishnan
In this episode Radhika and Anshuman discuss who a CXO is, what do they do, what skills are needed, and how to develop those skills

World Quality Month Special - Past, Present, and Future of Quality - A chat with Balaji Reddie.
World Quality Month Special - Past, Present, and Future of Quality - A chat with Balaji Reddie.
How to Deal With Office Politics
In this short episode, I share with you 5 ways in which you can stay clear of office politics. These lessons are based on coaching over 500 middle and senior professionals over the last decade.

Personal Branding on LinkedIn and Career Growth
In this episode Priya Vajpeyi and I talk of using LinkedIn effectively for career growth. Some audience questions are also included in the session.

How to Build a Long Career
How to Build a Long Career. With layoffs around us, we also see some people have long and successful careers. How do they do this? In this 8 min episode I share 5 key lessons that I have learnt from my career and the many people I ...

Build Your Second Act | Archana Dutta
In this episode Archana Dutta, founder of the Second Act and PedalOn discusses how she built her second act after moving on from a corporate job. And she shares lessons we all can use as well.

Manage Toxic Managers and Bosses
In this episode, I share some tips on managing toxic bosses. You don't wish a boss like this but you could get one. What do you do when you land one. Tune in for 10 min and learn something new.

No IIT. No IIM. No Problem
In this episode, I am sharing some tips you can use to overcome the handicap of not going to a top college.

5 Books to Turbo Charge your Mid Career
In this 10 min episode I share a quick summary and recommendation of my 5 most recommended books in mid career. DRIVEWhat Got You Here Wont Get You ThereThe First 90 DaysGRITMINDSETReading these books could ...

5 Common Interview Mistakes and How to Avoid Them
In this 13 min episode I will share 5 common interview mistakes people make in mid-career. I will also share ways in which you can avoid these mistakes. You will also learn a new framework called CRISP - Clear. Relatable. Informed. Str...

Go from STUCK to SHINE in your Mid Career
In this episode, Anshuman Tiwari shares his formula for moving from STUCK to SHINE in mid-career. He has coached hundreds of people on this journey and is happy to share the lessons learnt.

Stop Dreaming About Public Speaking | Ft Divas Gupta
Captivate to Communicate.That's how master #publicspeaking and ikigai coach

Six Skills To Help You Succeed in Career 3.0
Abhijit Bhaduri has straddled career 1.0, 2.0, and now 3.0. And he has written a book to share what he has learnt. This is his 6th book.Abhijit is a global Learning and Development professional and wildly popular on LinkedI...

Unlocking Unicorn Secrets with Ishan Sharma and Kushal Lodha | Host: Anshuman Tiwari
In this episode, two young and successful social media sensations and entrepreneurs share the lessons learnt from interviewing the founders of 20 Indian Unicorns. The interviews are published as a book - Unlocking Unicorn Secrets.<...

Mindfulness and Managing Toxic Corporate Culture | Pandit Dasa in conversation with Anshuman Tiwari
In this episode, Pandit Dasa, a former monk, distills for us the wisdom he has attained over 15 years a monk and a decade as a corporate trainer and speaker. You will get a summary of what is Mindfulness and how you can stay in th...

Gowing on LinkedIn | The MangeBetter Show | Ft. Sudharhanan Ganapathy
How does one grow one's influence on LinkedIn? What are the best time-tested ways to grow?Celebrity or Authority?Sudharshanan and his organisation, The Social Company manages brands of over 200 celebrities. He knows the space an...

Living the Solopreneur Life Ft. Niharikaa Kaur Sodhi
Living the Solopreneur Life. Niharikaa is a writer who has turned her passion into a profession. Early in her career, she realised that her true passion was writing. After side hustling for two years of so she turned a freelancer and then a ...

Carving Your Own Path Ft. Papa CJ
In this episode, world-famous Comedian, Papa CJ shares his journey to becoming who he is. Listen to his tips on overcoming your fears, building confidence, perfecting your art, and learning new skills.

In Search of Excellence - Book Summary by Anshuman Tiwari
In Search of Excellence by Tom Peters and Robert Waterman has been a classic for over 40 years. In many ways, it redefined the management book market. In 7 mins I am sharing my views and a book summary. Hoping you like it.

Getting Things Done by David Allen - Book Summary by Anshuman Tiwari
David Allen's Getting Things Done is the OG of all personal productivity books. He describes a tried and tested method to capture ideas and tasks and then convert them into actions. In this 10 min episode, I share a summary and enc...